The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Feature Face Ring

Abstract Class Name: Feature Face Ring

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>



An instance of this DRM class represents the one-directional topological relationship from a <Feature Face> to the ordered collection of one or more <Feature Edge> instances that define one of its boundaries (outer or inner).

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


See <External Feature Face Ring>, <Internal Feature Face Ring> for examples.


When are <Feature Face Ring> instances required?
All <Feature Face> instances are required to have at least one <Feature Face Ring> component, regardless of feature topology level. A <Regular Feature Face> shall have an <External Feature Face Ring>, which defines its outer boundary, and may have any number of <Internal Feature Face Ring> components, which define inner boundaries (i.e., "holes") within the <Feature Face>. A <Universal Feature Face> has no <External Feature Face Ring>, but will have one or more < Internal Feature Face Rings>.

Can the same <Feature Edge> appear more than once in the collection of <Feature Edges> making up a <Feature Face Ring>?
Yes. A <Feature Edge> can appear up to twice in a <Feature Face Ring>, once with each orientation.


Associated to (one-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.
Prev: Feature Face. Next: Feature Hierarchy. Up:Index.

Last updated: October 1, 2002 Copyright © 2002 SEDRIS™