Depth Tool

SEDRIS SDK Release 4.1.0

July 26, 2006

  1. Synopsis
  2. Description
  3. Options
  4. Examples
  5. Sample Run
  6. Environment
  7. See Also


depth [ options ] transmittal


depth performs a depth-first traversal of the given SEDRIS transmittal and prints the objects and fields to stdout in text format. It also prints the number of objects and object classes encountered.


-c [-|configuration_file_name]

Specify optional file of configuration information; if "-" appears with no file name specified, read the configuration information from stdin.

-d<maximum depth>

Specify the maximum depth of the traversal (the default is zero, for unlimited depth.


"Fast" version of depth. Object counts are inaccurate (shared objects are counted multiple times), but this is still useful for "just touching" every object in a transmittal, especially when used in conjunction with the quiet modes.

-f output_file_name

The name of the file where the processing results will be stored.


Quiet mode. Count the objects, but don't print them.


Very quiet mode. Don't even show the counting update.

-s"[xmittal name]:object id"

Start traversal at the object with the given object ID.

-u<update rate>

Specify the counting update rate (the default is every 500 objects).


Verbose mode. Print class names and fields of each object. (The default is verbose mode off. Only class names of each object are printed).


Very verbose mode. Print contents of <Data Tables> and <Images>.


depth transmittals/test.stf

traverses the transmittal starting at the root object

depth -q transmittals/test.stf

traverses the transmittal without printing the object fields.

depth -v -c my_configuration_file transmittals/test.stf

traverses the transmittal using the options specified in "my_configuration_file".

depth -v -s"urn:x-sedris:saic:stf_belle:1:1,1,12" transmittals/stf_belle.stf

traverses the transmittal starting at the object with specified ID.


The following command (initiated in the "transmittals" directory):

depth -q test.stf
produces the following output:
global_directly_attach_table_components = SE_FALSE
global_process_inheritance = SE_FALSE
global_transform_locations = SE_FALSE
global_follow_model_instances = SE_FALSE
global_evaluate_static_control_links = SE_FALSE
Opened SEDRIS Transmittal test.stf.
Maximum Tree Height = 10

Total object count = 114

        1	Absolute Time Interval
        3	Absolute Time Point
        1	Access
        4	Ambient Colour
        1	Citation
        1	Data Quality
        1	Description
        4	Diffuse Colour
        1	Environment Root
        1	Geometry Model
        1	Geometry Model Instance
        4	Inline Colour
        1	Keywords
       29	LSR Location 3D
        1	Model
        1	Model Library
        1	Point Of Contact
        4	Polygon
        4	Presentation Domain
        4	Primitive Colour
        1	Process
        8	RGB Colour
        1	Spatial Domain
        1	Transmittal Root
        4	Translucency
        1	Transmittal Summary
        1	Union Of Geometry Hierarchy
        2	Union Of Primitive Geometry
       27	Vertex
Total object count = 114


See the SEDRIS SDK Runtime Environment variables.


rules_checker, syntax_checker, model_viewer, Tools And Utilities document

Copyright © 2006 SEDRIS