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Room for Improvement SEDRIS is designed to support the full spectrum of environmental data, as used by a wide range of applications. Since 1996 the underlying technology has been in widespread use in a broad variety of programs and applications throughout the world. Industry leaders have seriously scrutinized the technology from a variety of different and diverse application perspectives. The technology continues to be implemented for use in real-world data set interchange to lower cost and increase productivity by providing a succinct data meaning. And today, many programs from all over the world including commercial, government, academia and military are using SEDRIS in their application areas. During this time, the data representation model and the API, along with the other core components, have been improved, and new capabilities, tools and functionality have been added. The results and lessons learned from the use of SEDRIS in various projects, experiments, and tests have been incorporated to refine and enhance the baseline. But for nearly three years the foundations of the SEDRIS technology have not changed, and none of these enhancements have impacted the basic architecture. Yet it is recognized that there is always room for improvement. Since the start, the development team has believed that improvements can only be realized when there is an open development process. In addition, it has actively sought the involvement and input of experts in developing and scrutinizing the technologies. This is reflected in the design, as well as the development process. One by-product of this approach has been the establishment and use of the SEDRIS Change Request (SCR) process. Change Requests and Problem Reports Deficiencies, along with proposed changes or improvements, can be reported by anyone through the SCR process. SCRs are usually preceded by e-mail discussions conducted on the appropriate SEDRIS e-mail reflectors. The reflectors reach a broad audience of users, implementers, and experts who may be able to offer solutions to reported problems. If a solution cannot be identified, then the e-mail discussions are a good way to find the best approach for addressing a given deficiency. Once a solution or an approach has been identified, a concise description of the problem, along with specific solutions, is formally reported by submitting an SCR. SCR forms can be filled out at the web site, and are then sent for review to the SCR Configuration Control Board (CCB), in addition to the larger SEDRIS Associates team. The SCR is then formally reviewed, and once approved, it will be implemented and will become part of a subsequent release of SEDRIS. |