The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX D - Functions
extern SE_DRM_Status_Code
const SE_RGB_Data  *original_colour_ptr,1
SE_HLS_Data  *new_colour_ptr2


This function converts an RGB colour value to an HLS colour value.

The colour model conversion algorithm is based on the algorithm published in section 13.3.5, "The HLS Color Model" of Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice - Second Edition in C, by James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, and John F. Hughes, published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (Reprinted with corrections November 1992, November 1993, and July 1995), Copyright 1996, 1990 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.


SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_SUCCESS and *new_colour_ptr is set appropriately, if valid parameters were passed in.
SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_NULL_REQUIRED_PARAMETER and no changes are made, if any parameter was NULL.

Parameters Notes

1 a pointer to the incoming RGB colour

2 a pointer to where the converted HLS colour will be stored

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