The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX D - Functions
SE SRFContextInfoEqual
extern SRM_Boolean
const SE_SRF_Context_Info  *srf1_ptr,1
const SE_SRF_Context_Info  *srf2_ptr2


Determines if two SE_SRF_Context_Info structures represent the same exact SRF information. This is particularly useful to determine if an SRF instance is the same SRF as one formed using an SRF template.


SRM_TRUE if both input structures are valid and are equal to one another.
SRM_FALSE if either structure pointer is NULL or invalid or the two input structures are not equal to one another.

Parameters Notes

1 The first SE_SRF_Context_Info to be compared.

2 The second SE_SRF_Context_Info to be compared.

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