The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
EDCS Use Summary Item

Class Name: EDCS Use Summary Item

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies a pattern of EDCS codes that appears within the scope being summarized, specifically, an EDCS_Classification_Code (ECC) and a set of EDCS_Attribute_Codes (EACs) that are used with it, or just an individual EDCS_Attribute_Code.

The <Classification Data>, which may be qualified by <Property Values>, represents the (potentially qualified) classification being described, if any.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. A transmittal containing two different <Model> instances, one classified using ECC_TREED_TRACT with attributes and the other using ECC_RESERVOIR with attributes.

    EDCS Use Summary Item, Example 1


No FAQs supplied.



Composed of (two-way)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_String description; (notes)


Fields Notes


 An abstract, human-readable description of the "overall" classification
 specified by the given instance; may be empty.

Prev: EC Location 2D. Next: Edge Direction. Up:Index.

Last updated: October 1, 2002 Copyright © 2002 SEDRIS™