The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Geometry Face Ring

Class Name: Geometry Face Ring

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies the unidirectional topological relationship between a <Geometry Face> instance and the ordered collection of one or more <Geometry Edge> instances that define the outer boundary of that <Geometry Face>.

The edges form a closed, non-self-intersecting circuit. If only one <Geometry Edge> is present, it forms a loop.

NOTE: The converse of this relationship is formed by associating each <Geometry Edge> of the <Geometry Face Ring> to the <Geometry Face>.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. Consider a <Geometry Face> representing a sinkhole. The outer boundary of the <Geometry Face> is represented by its <Geometry Face Ring>.

  2. Consider a <Geometry Face> representing a lake. The shoreline of the lake is described by the <Geometry Face Ring> of the <Geometry Face>.


No FAQs supplied.



Associated to (one-way)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.


Associated with Notes


 The <Geometry Edge> instances associated by a <Geometry Face Ring>
 instance form a closed, non-self-intersecting circuit that defines
 the outer boundary of the <Geometry Face> of which that
 <Geometry Face Ring> is a part.

 For each <Geometry Edge> in a <Geometry Face Ring>, the
 corresponding <Edge Direction> indicates whether the
 <Geometry Edge> is to be interpreted from starting node
 to ending node (forward) or the reverse to join with
 the previous and next <Geometry Edge> instances in the ring.

Prev: Geometry Face. Next: Geometry Hierarchy. Up:Index.

Last updated: October 1, 2002 Copyright © 2002 SEDRIS™