The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
 * STRUCT: SE_Requirement
 *   Describes a relationship between two classes.  One class, the "from"
 *   class or "current" class, is taken from a context outside of this
 *   structure, while the "to" class is identified in this structure. The
 *   relationship from the "from" class to the "to" class is defined by this
 *   structure.
 *   The relationship being described may be an association, aggregation,
 *   or component relationship.  Each class has a list of its association
 *   requirements, a list of its aggregation requirements, and a list of
 *   its component requirements. These lists are accessed via
 *   SE_AssociationsList(), SE_AggregatesList(), and SE_ComponentsList()
 *   (see). The SE_Requirement struct defined here is used as an
 *   entry in those lists.
 *  Another way to describe lower_limit and upper_limit:
 *     For fixed size arrays,
 *           multiplicity == SE_MLTPCTY_EXACTLY_N
 *           lower_limit  == upper_limit == (value of N)
 *     For bounded arrays (at least N, at most M),
 *           multiplicity == SE_MLTPCTY_BOUNDED_ARRAY
 *           lower_limit  == (N, the lower bound value)
 *           upper_limit  == (M, the upper bound value)
 *     For unbounded arrays (at least N, no upper bound),
 *           multiplicity == SE_MLTPCTY_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY
 *           lower_limit  == (N, lower bound value)
 *           upper_limit  == NO_UPPER_BOUND (-1)
typedef struct se_requirement

SE_Integer drm_class;1
SE_Multiplicity multiplicity;2
SE_Boolean is_two_way;
SE_Boolean ordered;3
SE_Integer lower_limit;4
SE_Integer upper_limit;5
SE_Integer drm_link_class;6
const struct se_requirement *next_ptr;7
} SE_Requirement;

Field Notes


The ID of the 'to' class, always meaningful.


The multiplicity of the "to" side of the relationship, always meaningful. It answers the question "How many of the 'to' class objects are required to be related to a 'from' class object?"


When more than one object of the "to" class is allowed, this ordered flag indicates whether or not the ordering of those "to" objects is important. This ordered flag is meaningful only when the multiplicity allows more than one "to" class object (i.e. - this ordered flag should be SE_FALSE, but should also be ignored and is not meaningful when the multiplicity is SE_MLTPCTY_EXACTLY_ONE or SE_MLTPCTY_ZERO_OR_ONE).


The lower limit for the number of "to" class objects. Only meaningful for multiplicity values of SE_MLTPCTY_EXACTLY_N, SE_MLTPCTY_BOUNDED_ARRAY, and SE_MLTPCTY_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY. The meaning of lower_limit is:


The upper limit for the number of "to" class objects. Only meaningful for multiplicity values of SE_MLTPCTY_EXACTLY_N, SE_MLTPCTY_BOUNDED_ARRAY, and SE_MLTPCTY_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY. The meaning of upper_limit is:


Set to the link class, if the relationship has one; otherwise, set to SE_CLS_DRM_NULL.


A pointer to the next SE_Requirement struct in this singly-linked list of requirements; NULL if end-of-list.

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