The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Attribute Set Table

Class Name: Attribute Set Table

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class is conceptually an ordered collection of <Attribute Set> instances, where the ordering is required to permit the contents of the <Attribute Set Table> to be referenced by other objects.

An <Attribute Set> instance within an <Attribute Set Table> is referenced by its ordinal position in the collection by means of <Attribute Set Index> instances, as specified in the definition of <Attribute Set Index>.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


  1. An <Attribute Set Table> specifying <Attribute Sets> for normal, Out The Window (OTW) viewing.

  2. An <Attribute Set Table> specifying <Attribute Sets> for viewing through Night Vision Goggles (NVG).

  3. An <Attribute Set Table> specifying <Attribute Sets> for OTW viewing using an enhanced set of colours and textures.

  4. An <Attribute Set Table> that contains <Attribute Sets> that all contain a <Colour> and two <Image Mapping Functions>. This <Attribute Set Table> would have regular set to SE_TRUE.


No FAQs supplied.


Composed of (two-way)

Composed of (two-way metadata)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_String table_usage; (notes)
SE_Boolean regular; (notes)


Fields Notes


 This specifies the use for which this <Attribute Set Table>
 is provided.


 If SE_TRUE, then all <Attribute Sets> in the table contain the
 same number of objects and these objects are of the same
 types. Otherwise <Attribute Sets> in the table may contain
 very different sets of objects.

Prev: Attribute Set Index Control Link. Next: Attribute Set Table Group. Up:Index.

Last updated: October 1, 2002 Copyright © 2002 SEDRIS™