Table 5.19 — ECs whose label begins with O

Label Concept definition Code
OASIS A small, isolated, fertile, or green <TRACT> in a <DESERT_REGION> usually having a <WATERING_PLACE>; an oasis. 817
OBJECT A person, place, thing, or concept; an object. 818
OBSERVATION_STATION A station that is equipped for observation and study. 821
OBSERVATORY An <OBSERVATION_STATION> designed and equipped for making observations of astronomical, meteorological, or other natural phenomena; an observatory [SOED, "observatory", 1]. 822
OCCLUDED_FRONT A composite of two <ATMOSPHERIC_FRONT>s formed as a <COLD_FRONT> overtakes a <WARM_FRONT> or a <STATIONARY_FRONT>; an occluded front. 823
OCCUPATION_ZONE A <REGION> temporarily held and controlled by a hostile military force; an occupation zone. 824
OCEAN One of the major divisions of an expanse of salt <WATER> covering a <PLANETARY_SURFACE>; an ocean. 825
OCEAN_BASIN A <TERRAIN_DEPRESSION> of an <OCEAN_FLOOR> approximately equidimensional in plan view and of variable extent; a basin. 826
OFF_ROUTE_BEARING The <DIRECTION> and distance from an <AID_TO_NAVIGATION> to a defined <WAYPOINT>; an off route bearing. 828
OFFSHORE_LOADING_FACILITY A <FACILITY> located in a <WATERBODY> for loading and unloading <CARGO>; an offshore loading facility. 829
OFFSHORE_PLATFORM A <STRUCTURE> placed in a <WATERBODY> and used: for production, loading, and discharge; as an <OBSERVATION_STATION>; or as a <SCIENCE_FACILITY>; an offshore platform. 830
OIL_BARRIER A floating <BARRIER> to stop and contain oil flow on a <WATERBODY_SURFACE>; an oil barrier. 831
OIL_DRILLING_RIG A <RIG> assembled primarily for the purpose of drilling an oil <WELL>; an oil drilling rig. 832
OPEN_AIR_BATH An open air bath. 833
OPEN_WATER A <WATERBODY_REGION> where the <WATER> is flowing or free standing; open water. 834
OPERA_HOUSE A <BUILDING> that houses a <THEATRE> designed chiefly for the performance of operas. 835
ORCHARD A <TREED_TRACT> devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut <TREE>s; an orchard [AHD, "orchard", 1]. 836
ORE_REFINERY An <INDUSTRIAL_WORKS> for purifying ores (for example: copper and/or silver) and extracting from them various metal and chemical products; an ore refinery. 837
OUTBUILDING A small <BUILDING> that is separate from but is located near a main <BUILDING>; an outbuilding. 838
OVERFALL_REGION A <WATERBODY_REGION> where short, breaking <WATER_WAVE>s are formed on the <WATERBODY_SURFACE> when a strong <WATER_CURRENT> passes over a <SHOAL> or other submarine obstruction or meets a contrary <WATER_CURRENT> or <WIND>; an overfall region. 839
OVERHEAD_OBSTRUCTION An overhead obstruction (for example: an underpass, an overhead <PIPELINE>, and/or the overhang of a <BUILDING>) on a <TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE>. 840
OVERPASS A <BRIDGE> used to provide clearance to traffic on a <LAND_TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE> at a lower elevation; an overpass. 841