Table 5.16 — ECs whose label begins with L

Label Concept definition Code
LAGOON An enclosed <REGION> of salt or brackish <WATER> separated from a larger <WATERBODY> by some more or less effective, but not complete, <BARRIER> (for example: a low bank of <SAND>); a lagoon. 605
LAKE <INLAND_WATER> without significant flow that is surrounded by <LAND>; a lake. 606
LAKE_NEXUS A representation of a <LAKE> as it connects to related <RIVER_NEXUS>s; a lake centre-line or lake nexus. 607
LAND <TERRAIN> that is not permanently covered by <WATER>; land. 608
LAND_EASEMENT A deeded <PARCEL> granting easement for a specific purpose (for example: overhead <POWER_TRANSMISSION_LINE>s and/or access to a <PARKING_GARAGE>); a land easement. 609
LAND_FISH_HATCHERY A <FISH_HATCHERY> located entirely on <LAND>. 610
LAND_FLOODING_PERIODICALLY A <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> periodically covered by floodwater, excluding tidal <WATER>s; land flooding periodically. 611
LAND_WATER_BOUNDARY A <BOUNDARY> where <LAND> is in contact with a <WATERBODY>. 614
LANDFILL A <TRACT> used for solid waste disposal by burying refuse between layers of <SOIL> to fill in or reclaim low-lying <LAND>; a landfill [SOED, "landfill", b]. 615
LANDING_CRAFT A small <WATER_SURFACE_VESSEL> designed to convey <PERSONNEL> and <EQUIPMENT> from larger <WATER_SURFACE_VESSEL>s to <SHORE> during landing operations; a landing-craft [SOED, "landing-craft"]. 616
LANDSLIDE A mass of <MATERIAL> (for example: <SOIL>, <ROCK>, and/or <VEGETATION>) that has slipped down from a <CLIFF> or <MOUNTAIN>; a landslide. 617
LATERAL_BUOYAGE_INDICATION A <LOCATION> in a <WATERBODY> where a <DIRECTION> away from seaward is specified that indicates how a lateral buoyage <SYSTEM> should be interpreted. 618
LAUNCH_PAD A designated <SITE> or <STRUCTURE> from which a rocket or <MISSILE> is launched; a launch pad. 619
LEDGE A narrow, flat <SURFACE> or shelf, especially one that projects (for example: from a <CLIFF>); a ledge. 620
LEGATION_BUILDING A <BUILDING> in a foreign country that houses a diplomatic mission that ranks below an embassy; a legation building. 621
LEVEE An <EMBANKMENT> to prevent the overflow of a <RIVER>; a levee [SOED, "levee", 2.a.1]. 622
LEVEL_CROSSING A <CROSSING> between a <RAILWAY>and either a <ROAD> or another <RAILWAY> on the same vertical level; a level crossing or on-grade crossing. 623
LIBRARY A <BUILDING> in which literary and artistic materials (for example: books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and/or tapes) are kept for reading, reference, and/or lending; a library [AHD, "library", 1.a]. 624
LICHEN A composite <LIVING_ORGANISM> formed by the association of <ALGA> with <FUNGUS> and occurring as encrusting or branching friable growths on <SURFACE>s, to which they give a green, grey, or yellow colour; a lichen [SOED, "lichen"]. 625
LIFT <EQUIPMENT> consisting of a platform, which is often enclosed, that is raised and lowered in a vertical shaft to transport <HUMAN>s, <EQUIPMENT>, or <MATERIAL>s; a lift or an elevator (US) [AHD, "elevator", 1.a]. 626
LIFT_SHAFT A vertical passageway in a <BUILDING> used for a <LIFT>; a lift shaft. 627
LIGHT An <OBJECT> that is a source of illumination visible to the eye of <HUMAN>s; a light [SOED, "light", 4]. 628
LIGHT_INDUSTRIAL_FACILITY A <FACILITY> devoted to the manufacture of goods (for example: electronic <DEVICE>s and/or computer software) that generally require only limited <MATERIAL> and energy inputs; a light industrial facility. 629
LIGHT_SUPPORT_STRUCTURE A <STRUCTURE> serving as a support for one or more <LIGHT>s. 630
LIGHT_WINGED_AIRCRAFT A winged <AIRCRAFT> with a maximum capacity of 10 persons; a light aircraft. 631
LIGHTHOUSE A distinctive <STRUCTURE> exhibiting one or more <LIGHT>s designed to serve as an <AID_TO_NAVIGATION>; a lighthouse. 632
LIGHTING A <NON_EMPTY_SET> of <LIGHT>s providing illumination for a <REGION> or <OBJECT>; lighting. 633
LIGHTNING A luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge that takes place from or inside <CLOUD>s or, less often, from tall <OBJECT>s on the <PLANETARY_SURFACE> and/or from <MOUNTAIN>s to <CLOUD>s; lightning. 634
LIGHTSHIP A distinctively marked, manned <WATER_SURFACE_VESSEL> anchored or moored at a defined <LOCATION> to serve as a <MARINE_AID_TO_NAVIGATION>; a lightship. 635
LINE A curve connecting a <SET> of two or more <LOCATION>s; a line [SOED, "line", n2.III.14.b] or a curve. 636
LIQUID_DIFFUSER <EQUIPMENT> located at or below water level where liquids (for example: cooling <WATER>) are spread out; a diffuser. 637
LIVESTOCK_PEN An enclosed <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> in which livestock are temporarily kept; a livestock pen, a feedlot or a stockyard. 638
LIVING_ORGANISM A living thing; a living organism or life-form [SOED, "life-form"]. 639
LOAD_CABLE A <NON_EMPTY_SET> of rope, fibre, or heavy gauge steel <WIRE>s formed into one continuous strand and used for support, lifting, hauling, and other load-supporting functions; a cable. 640
LOCAL_PARK A <TRACT> that is maintained for recreational and ornamental purposes and set aside for public use, generally with few or no <BUILDING>s and located within a <BUILT_UP_REGION>. 641
LOCALIZED_ATM_SUSPENSION A localized <CLOUD> or <NON_AQUEOUS_CLOUD>; a localized atmospheric suspension. 642
LOCATION A spatial location. 643
LOCATION_PROPERTY_SET A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the properties of a <LOCATION>. 644
LOCK_BASIN The portion of a <HYDROGRAPHIC_LOCK> bounded by <LOCK_GATE>s at each end; a lock basin. 645
LOCK_GATE A pair of massive, hinged <DOOR>s at the end of a <LOCK_BASIN>; a lock gate. 646
LOCOMOTIVE_ENGINE A self-propelled <GROUND_VEHICLE> designed to move <RAIL_WAGON>s on a <RAILWAY_TRACK>; a locomotive engine [MWCD, "locomotive", 1]. 647
LOG An unhewn portion of a felled <TREE>; a log [SOED, "log", 1.a]. 648
LOG_BOOM A <WATERBODY_BOOM> designed to keep <LOG>s ready for a <SAWMILL> from floating away; a log boom. 649
LOG_CRIB A <LOG_OBSTACLE> that is formed in a cribwork and filled with <SOIL> and <STONE>s. 650
LOG_OBSTACLE A <TERRAIN_OBSTACLE> constructed primarily of <LOG>s. 651
LOG_RAMP A <RAMP> used to dump <LOG>s into a <WATERBODY> for transport or to haul <LOG>s out of the <WATERBODY> for processing; a log ramp. 652
LOGGING_SITE A <TRACT> of <VEGETATION> that is being exploited for lumber resources; a logging site. 653
LOW_CLOUD A <CLOUD> of the genus stratocumulus or stratus; a low cloud. Also the base of a <CLOUD> of the genus cumulus; cumulonimbus; or, occasionally, nimbostratus. 654
LOW_CLOUD_CEILING_REGION An <ATMOSPHERE_REGION> in which the <<ATM_CEILING>> due to <CLOUD>s is less than 152,4 metres (500 feet) above the <PLANETARY_SURFACE>; a low cloud ceiling region. 655
LOW_VISIBILITY_REGION An <ATMOSPHERE_REGION> of reduced visibility near a <PLANETARY_SURFACE>; a low visibility region. 657
LOW_WATER_LINE The intersection of the plane of low water with the <SHORE>; the <LINE> along a <COAST> or <BEACH> to which the <SEA> recedes at low water; a low water line or drying line. 658