Table 5.6 — ECs whose label begins with B

Label Concept definition Code
BACKSHORE_PRECISE The <TERRAIN_STRIP> that is located between the normal limit of the action of <WATER_WAVE>s above either mean high water springs or mean higher high water as defined by a National Authority and the maximum limit of the action of <WATER_WAVE>s; the backshore precise. 119
BALCONY A platform projecting from the <WALL> of a <BUILDING>, supported by pillars and/or brackets, and enclosed by a balustrade or low <WALL>; a balcony or deck. 120
BALLOON An <AIRCRAFT> consisting of an airtight envelope designed to rise into the <ATMOSPHERE> when inflated with a gas that is less dense than <AIR> (for example: hot <AIR>), carrying a basket or car for passengers; a balloon. 121
BAMBOO A <PLANT> belonging to the genus Bambusa, Arundinaria, Phyllostachys, Sasa, or Dendrocalamus, most having hard, hollow stems; a bamboo [SOED, "bamboo", A.1]. 122
BANK_BUILDING A <BUILDING> housing an establishment for the deposit, custody, and issue of money; for making loans and discounts; and for making easier the exchange of funds by certificates, checks, and/or notes; a bank [SOED, "bank", n3.3]. 124
BARN A <FARM_BUILDING> that is used to store hay, grain, and implements and/or to house <NON_HUMAN_ANIMAL>s; a barn [SOED, "barn", A.1] [SOED, "barn", A.2]. 125
BARRACK A <BUILDING> used to house <MILITARY_PERSONNEL>, which is typically large, unadorned, and intended for relatively temporary occupancy; a barrack. 126
BARREN_GROUND <TERRAIN> so disturbed as to have no identifiable <VEGETATION>; barren ground. 127
BARRIER A physical obstacle that prevents access and/or separates; a barrier [SOED, "barrier", 1]. 128
BASEMENT A <FLOOR_LEVEL> of a <BUILDING> located wholly or partially below the level of the <LAND>; a basement [SOED, "basement", 1]. 129
BAT A flying <MAMMAL> of the order Chiroptera, the members of which are mainly nocturnal and have forelimbs that support membranous wings extending to the tail; a bat [SOED, "bat", 3]. 130
BATHYMETRIC_PROVINCE A <WATERBODY_FLOOR_PROVINCE> of homogeneous bathymetric characteristics; a bathymetric province. 131
BATTLESHIP A <WATER_SURFACE_VESSEL> of the most heavily armed and <<ARMOURED>> class, of sufficient size to take part in a main attack; a battleship [SOED, "battleship"]. 132
BEACH The <SHORE> of a <WATERBODY> that consists of unconsolidated <MATERIAL>s (for example: <SAND> and/or small <STONE>s), including the <FORESHORE> and the <BACKSHORE_PRECISE>; a beach. 133
BEACH_PROFILE A representation of the vertical relief of a <WATERBODY_FLOOR> and adjacent <LAND> along a <LINE> or <SET> of connected <LINE>s generally established perpendicular to the local <SHORELINE> and based on <DEPTH_CONTOUR_LINE>s, <SOUNDING>s, and other measurements of the depth at or below a shared <SURFACE_DATUM>; a beach profile. 134
BEACH_ZONE A <TRACT> defined from the <SHORE> inland for a predetermined distance and/or to the first existence of a <LAND_TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE> and from the <SHORE> seaward to a predetermined depth; a beach zone. 135
BEACON A fixed, usually elevated, <DEVICE> that serves as an <AID_TO_NAVIGATION>, usually functioning by emitting a signal (for example: a flashing <LIGHT> or a radar pulse) warning of its <LOCATION>; a beacon. 136
BEDROCK Solid <ROCK> underlying alluvial deposits; bedrock [SOED, "bedrock"]. 137
BENCHMARK A reference mark on a permanent <OBJECT> indicating <<ELEVATION>>; a benchmark. 138
BIOLOGIC_HAZARD_REGION A <REGION> in which a biologic substance is present that can kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate a <HUMAN> and/or <NON_HUMAN_ANIMAL> through its physiological properties. The biologic substance is usually dispersed over a <SURFACE> and/or within the <ATMOSPHERE>. 139
BIOLUMINESCENCE The production of light without sensible heat by <LIVING_ORGANISM>s as a result of chemical reaction either within cells or organs or extracellulary in some form of secretion; bioluminescence. 140
BIRD A <VERTEBRATE> of the class Aves, characterized by forelimbs as wings for flight, oviparous reproduction, and care for the young; a bird [SOED, "bird", B]. 141
BLAST_BARRIER A <BARRIER> used to divert and/or dissipate jet or propeller blast. 142
BLAST_FURNACE A smelting <FURNACE> in which a blast of <AIR> is used, especially one for iron-smelting using a compressed hot blast of <AIR>; a blast furnace. 143
BLIMP A small <AIRSHIP> that does not have a rigid frame; a blimp. 144
BLOCKHOUSE A military <FORTIFICATION> constructed of sturdy <MATERIAL>s (for example: concrete) and designed with <WALL_LOOPHOLE>s; a blockhouse [SOED, "blockhouse", a]. 145
BOARDWALK A walkway made of wooden planks; a boardwalk. 146
BOAT_LIFT A mechanical <DEVICE> other than a <HYDROGRAPHIC_LOCK> for lifting <WATER_SURFACE_VESSEL>s between two levels; a boat lift. 147
BOAT_TURNING_BASIN A section of <CANAL> and/or <NAVIGABLE_WATERWAY> in which a barge or other <WATER_SURFACE_VESSEL> can be turned; a boat turning basin. 148
BOG A <WETLAND> having a wet, spongy, acidic substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat in which characteristic <SHRUB>s, herbs, and, sometimes, <TREE>s usually grow; a bog [AHD, "bog", 1a]. 149
BOLLARD A post on a <WHARF> used for fastening <MOORING_LINE>s; a bollard. 150
BOMBER_WINGED_AIRCRAFT A winged <AIRCRAFT> designed to carry and drop heavy loads of bombs; a bomber. 151
BOMBORA_REGION A <WATERBODY_REGION> where <WATER_WAVE>s form over a submerged offshore <SHOAL>, sometimes (in very calm weather and/or at high <TIDE>) nearly swelling but in other conditions breaking heavily and producing a dangerous stretch of broken <WATER>; a bombora. 152
BOTANICAL_GARDEN A culturally designated <TRACT> where <PLANT>s are displayed; a botanical garden. 153
BOTTOM_CHARACTERISTIC A characteristic (for example: consistency, colour, and/or classification) of the <OCEAN_FLOOR>; bottom characteristic. 154
BOULDER_FIELD A <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> characterized by detached masses of <ROCK> usually having an <<OUTSIDE_DIAMETER>> greater than 25 centimetres; a boulder field. 155
BOUNDARY The limits of a <REGION>; that is, a <NON_EMPTY_SET> of <LOCATION>s characterized by the fact that any <LOCATION> included in the <NON_EMPTY_SET> is arbitrarily near to <LOCATION>s that are not contained in the given <REGION> as well as to <LOCATION>s that are contained in the given <REGION>; a boundary. 156
BOUNDARY_MONUMENT A <MARKER> placed at a <LOCATION> that is associated with a surveyed <BOUNDARY>; a boundary monument. 158
BREACH An <APERTURE> in an obstacle (for example: a <FORTIFICATION>, a <WALL>, and/or a <TERRAIN_OBSTACLE>), particularly one caused by violence or natural decay; a breach. 159
BREACH_HOLE A rough <APERTURE> for entrance and/or egress of <HUMAN>s, typically about 60 centimetres in diameter; a breach hole. 160
BREAK_LINE A <LINE> representing the demarcation of a sudden and significant change in the gradient of the <TERRAIN>; a break-line. 161
BREAKER_REGION A <WATERBODY_REGION> where <WATER_WAVE>s break over off-lying <SHOAL>s and/or <REEF>s near the <SHORE>; a breaker region. 162
BREAKWATER A <STRUCTURE> that protects a <WATERBODY_REGION> (for example: a <SHORE>, a <HARBOUR>, an <ANCHORAGE>, and/or a <WATERBODY_SHELTER_BASIN>) from <WATER_WAVE>s by preventing them from reaching the protected <REGION> or reducing their magnitude; a breakwater. 163
BRIDGE A <STRUCTURE> that connects two <LOCATION>s and provides for the passage of a <LAND_TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE> over a <TERRAIN_OBSTACLE> (for example: a <WATERBODY>, a <GULLY>, and/or a <ROAD>); a bridge. A bridge consists of a <SET> of two or more <BRIDGE_PIER>s or <BRIDGE_TOWER>s joined by <BRIDGE_SPAN>s. 164
BRIDGE_PIER A pillar or abutment that supports a <BRIDGE_SPAN>; a bridge pier. 165
BRIDGE_PLATFORM A <SITE> that has been sculpted (for example: levelled) to support and/or secure a <BRIDGE_PIER>; a bridge platform. 166
BRIDGE_SPAN A <COMPONENT> of the deck of a <BRIDGE> spanning successive <BRIDGE_PIER>s; a bridge span. 167
BRIDGE_SUPERSTRUCTURE A <SUPERSTRUCTURE> of a <BRIDGE>, above the lowest deck; a bridge superstructure. 168
BRIDGE_TOWER A <TOWER> and/or <PYLON> from which the deck of a <BRIDGE> is suspended; a bridge tower. 169
BRUSH_LAND A <TRACT> covered by low-growing woody <PLANT>s; brush land.
EXAMPLES     Scrub, brush, bush.
BUCKET_ELEVATOR <EQUIPMENT>, usually a series of buckets, for raising <MATERIAL>s to a higher level; a bucket elevator. 171
BUDDHIST_TEMPLE A <WORSHIP_PLACE> for Buddhist worship; a Buddhist temple. 172
BUILDING A fixed, relatively permanent <STRUCTURE> with a <ROOF> and usually with <WALL>(s) that is designed for use and occupancy by <HUMAN>s; a building. 173
EXAMPLE     The doorway to a landing of a <STAIR>.
BUILDING_SUPERSTRUCTURE A <SUPERSTRUCTURE> of a <BUILDING> that rises from the <ROOF> but is not considered to be a <COMPONENT> of the <ROOF>; a building superstructure. 176
BUILT_UP_REGION A <TRACT> containing a concentration of <BUILDING>s and other <STRUCTURE>s; a built-up region. 177
BUILT_UP_TERRAIN A <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> that has been built-up from its natural configuration. 178
BUNKER A reinforced underground <SHELTER>, typically resistant to <MUNITION>s; a bunker [SOED, "bunker", 5]. 179
BUOY A floating <OBJECT>, other than a <LIGHTSHIP>, moored or anchored to a <WATERBODY_FLOOR> at a particular <LOCATION> and serving a specific purpose (for example: an <AID_TO_NAVIGATION>); a buoy. 180
BURIED_ELECTRICAL_CABLE An <ELECTRICAL_CABLE> located underground and/or underwater; a buried electrical cable. 181
BURIED_POWER_TRANSMISSION_LINE A <SYSTEM> of <BURIED_ELECTRICAL_CABLE>s, supports, and conduits that transmits electricity over distance; a buried power transmission line. 182
BUS_DEPOT A <STRUCTURE> where buses or coaches are housed and maintained and from which they are dispatched for service; a bus depot. 183
BUS_STATION A <STRUCTURE>, usually in a <TOWN> or <CITY>, that serves as a <BUS_STOP>, especially for long-distance buses or coaches; a bus station [SOED, "bus station"]. 184
BUS_STOP A <LOCATION> where buses and coaches regularly stop to take on and/or let off passengers; a bus-stop [SOED, "bus-stop"]. 185
BUSINESS_WINGED_AIRCRAFT A winged <AIRCRAFT> designed or designated for private business use. 186
BUTTE A detached, flat-topped <HILL> or tableland that is smaller than a <MESA> and rises steeply from a surrounding <TERRAIN_PLAIN>; a butte. 187