Table 5.17 — ECs whose label begins with M

Label Concept definition Code
MAGNETIC_DATA_DEVICE A <DEVICE> used for the collection of <MAGNETIC_FIELD> data. 659
MAGNETIC_DISTURBANCE A localized anomaly in the <MAGNETIC_FIELD> of a <PLANET>; a magnetic disturbance. 660
MAGNETIC_FIELD A <REGION> where a field of force produced by a magnetic <OBJECT> or by a changing <ELECTRICAL_FIELD> is found; a magnetic field [SOED, "magnetic field"]. 661
A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the properties of a <MAGNETIC_FIELD> near a <PLANETARY_SURFACE>. 663
MAGNETIC_STATION A <MAGNETIC_DATA_DEVICE> and support <STRUCTURE>s; a magnetic station. 664
MAGNETOPAUSE The sharp <BOUNDARY> between a <MAGNETOSPHERE> and the <STELLAR_WIND>; the magnetopause. 665
MAGNETOSPHERE The <REGION> of rarefied ionized gases in the <ATMOSPHERE> of a <PLANET> in which the dynamical motions are strongly influenced or even dominated by the <MAGNETIC_FIELD> of that <PLANET>; the magnetosphere. 666
MAGNETOSPHERE_PLASMA A flux of charged <PARTICLE>s within the <MAGNETOSPHERE>; a magnetosphere plasma. 667
MAIN_TELECOM_EXCHANGE A <STRUCTURE> housing a central <SYSTEM> of switches and other <EQUIPMENT> that establishes connections between individual telecommunication <DEVICE>s (for example: a telephone); a main telecom exchange. 668
MAMMAL A furred, warm-blooded <VERTEBRATE> of the class Mammalia, the members of which are characterized by the possession of mammary glands in the female and a four-chambered heart; a mammal [SOED, "mammal"].
MAN_MADE_AIR_OBSTRUCTION A man-made <STRUCTURE> of sufficient <<HEIGHT_AGL>> to impede or obstruct flight operations and cause a hazard to air navigation; a man-made air obstruction. 670
MAN_MADE_CLEARING A cleared or ploughed <TERRAIN_STRIP> designed to: provide access for a <LAND_TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE>, <PIPELINE>, or <POWER_TRANSMISSION_LINE>; demarcate a <BOUNDARY>; obtain survey line-of-sight; or provide a <FIREBREAK>; a man-made clearing. 671
MAN_MADE_OBJECT An <OBJECT> made by <HUMAN>s; a man-made object. 672
MANHOLE An <APERTURE> in a utility service <OBJECT> (for example: an item of <EQUIPMENT>, a <FLOOR>, a <ROAD>, the <LAND>, a <SEWER> and/or other conduit) through which <PERSONNEL> may pass to gain access to certain <COMPONENT>s; a manhole [SOED, "manhole"]. 673
MANHOLE_COVER A cover, which is often made of cast iron, that is designed both for complete removal and to cover a <MANHOLE>. 674
MANHOLE_RISER A <STRUCTURE> that elevates a <MANHOLE> above the surrounding <SURFACE>; a manhole riser. 675
MANUFACTURING_FACILITY A <FACILITY> including one or more <FACTORY>s; a manufacturing facility. 676
MAP A graphic representation of natural and artificial <OBJECT>s within a <REGION>; a map. 677
MAP_BOUNDARY A <BOUNDARY> that encloses all <OBJECT>s depicted on a <MAP>; a map boundary. 678
MAP_EDGE_FRAME A graphic representation of the edge of a <MAP>; a map frame. 679
MAP_LEGEND A <NON_EMPTY_SET> of auxiliary information about a <MAP>; a map legend. 680
MAP_LIMITS The spatial extent of the <REGION> represented by a <MAP>; map limits. 681
MARABOUT A <SHRINE> marking the burial place of an Islamic holy man; a marabout [SOED, "marabout", 2]. 682
MARINE_AID_TO_NAVIGATION An <AID_TO_NAVIGATION> (for example: a <BEACON> and/or a <BUOY>) intended to support marine operations. 683
MARINE_BAY A <WATERBODY> partially enclosed by <LAND> but with a wide mouth that affords access to the <SEA>; a marine bay. 684
MARINE_CHANNEL The part of a <WATERBODY> that is deep enough for navigation through a <REGION> otherwise not suitable; a marine channel.
EXAMPLE     The deepest part of a <RIVER>, <MARINE_BAY>, or <MARINE_STRAIT> through which the main <WATERBODY_CURRENT> flows.
MARINE_CLEARING_LINE A straight <LINE> that separates a safe <WATERBODY_REGION> from a dangerous <REGION> or that passes clear of a marine navigational danger; a marine clearing line. 686
MARINE_FOUL_GROUND A comparatively shallow <WATERBODY_REGION> strewn with <MARINE_OBSTRUCTION>s (for example: boulders, <CORAL>, and/or <MARINE_WRECK>s), making it unsuitable for anchoring, grounding, and/or fishing; marine foul ground. 687
MARINE_GATE A <BARRIER> that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or <MARINE_ROUTE> on a <WATERBODY>; a marine gate. 688
MARINE_GRIDIRON A flat frame <STRUCTURE>, usually of parallel timber baulks, erected on the <FORESHORE> so that a <VESSEL> may dry out on it for painting or repair at low water; a marine gridiron. 689
MARINE_GULF A large <WATERBODY_REGION> partially enclosed by <LAND>, especially a long land-locked portion of a <WATERBODY> opening through a <MARINE_STRAIT>; a marine gulf. 690
MARINE_LEADING_LIGHTS_LINE A <SET> of two or more marine <LIGHT>s that form a <MARINE_LEADING_LINE> of a course to be followed. 691
MARINE_LEADING_LINE A track along which a <VESSEL> can safely travel that passes through one or more (usually two) clearly defined <OBJECT>s; a marine leading line. 692
MARINE_LIGHT_LINE A <NON_EMPTY_SET> of marine <LIGHT>s marking limits, the alignment of a <ELECTRICAL_CABLE>, or alignments for anchoring or serving a similar purpose but not marking <DIRECTION>; a marine light line. 693
MARINE_LIGHT_SECTOR A sector defined by bearings from seaward within which a <LIGHT> shows a specified character or colour or is obscured so that it may serve as a <MARINE_AID_TO_NAVIGATION>; a marine light sector. 694
MARINE_LIMIT_BOUNDARY A <BOUNDARY> separating two <MARINE_REGION>s; a marine limit boundary. 695
MARINE_LOCK A <HYDROGRAPHIC_LOCK> in a <WATERCOURSE>, permitting a <VESSEL> to pass from one level to another; a marine lock. 696
MARINE_MEASURED_DISTANCE_LINE A course, the <<LENGTH>> of which has been accurately measured, that is used in conjunction with ranges ashore by <VESSEL>s to calibrate logs, engine revolution counters, and other onboard <EQUIPMENT> and to determine speed; a marine measured distance line. 697
MARINE_MOLE A substantial masonry <STRUCTURE> that often serves as a <BREAKWATER> on its outer side while it offers <FACILITY>s where <VESSEL>s are loaded and discharged on its inner side; a marine mole. 699
MARINE_NAVIGATION_MARKER A coloured (usually white) mark on a vertical <SURFACE> (for example: a <CLIFF>, a <ROCKY_OUTCROP>, and/or a <WALL>) that is a conspicuous landmark for marine navigation; a marine navigation marker. 700
MARINE_OBJECT An <OBJECT> relating to or characteristic of <VESSEL>s, shipping, sailors, or navigation on a <WATERBODY>; a marine object [SOED, "marine", B.2]. 701
MARINE_OBSTRUCTION A danger to marine navigation, the exact nature of which is not specified or has not been determined; a marine obstruction. 702
MARINE_PETROLEUM_FIELD A <MARINE_REGION> where <PETROLEUM> is pumped or otherwise removed from the ground; a marine petroleum field. 703
MARINE_PLATFORM A flat <SURFACE> raised above a <WATERBODY> that serves as a working stage for conducting offshore operations; a marine platform. 704
MARINE_POLICE_STATION A <POLICE_STATION> that serves a <HARBOUR> or coastal <REGION>; a marine police station. 705
MARINE_PORT A marine <FACILITY>, usually located in a <HARBOUR>, that provides terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging <CARGO> and/or passengers; a marine port. 706
MARINE_RAMP A partially submerged <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> with a hard <SURFACE> on a <SHORE> for launching and retrieving <VESSEL>s; a marine ramp. 707
MARINE_REGION A marine <REGION> in which certain activities or factors of significance to navigation and/or operation apply. 708
MARINE_ROUTE A <TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE> on a <WATERBODY> established for the safe passage of <VESSEL>s; a marine route. 709
MARINE_ROUTE_NEXUS A representation of one or more <MARINE_ROUTE>s; a marine route centre-line or marine route nexus. 710
MARINE_SIGNAL_STATION A station on <SHORE> from which signals are made to <VESSEL>s; a marine signal station. 711
MARINE_SOUND A long, relatively wide <WATERBODY> that is larger than a <MARINE_STRAIT> or a <MARINE_CHANNEL> and that connects larger <WATERBODY>s (for example: <SEA>s and/or <OCEAN>s); a marine sound [AHD, "sound", 3.1.a]. 712
MARINE_STRAIT A narrow channel joining two <WATERBODY>s; a marine strait [SOED, "strait", 3]. 713
MARINE_WRECK The ruined remains of a stranded or sunken <VESSEL> that has been rendered useless; a marine wreck. 714
MARKER An <OBJECT> (for example: a <BOUNDARY_MONUMENT> and/or a <MEMORIAL_MONUMENT>) marking a <LOCATION> of special interest; a marker [SOED, "marker", 3.b]. 715
MARKET An open space or <STRUCTURE> where goods are offered for sale; a market [SOED, "market", 2]. 716
MARKET_PLACE A <MARKET> where goods are offered for sale by several vendors; a market-place [SOED, "market-place", a]. 717
MARS The primary <PLANET> of the <SUN> that is fourth in distance from the <SUN> with an orbital mean <<RADIUS>> of approximately 227,94 million kilometres; Mars. 718
MARSH A soft, wet, low-lying <WETLAND> that is characterized by grassy <VEGETATION> and that often forms a transition <REGION> between a <WATERBODY> and <LAND>; a marsh [AHD, "marsh"]. 719
MARTELLO_TOWER A stone <TOWER> defending a <COAST> or <HARBOUR> and usually including a gun platform, ammunition magazine, and accommodations for a garrison; a Martello tower. 720
MAST A straight piece of timber or a hollow cylinder of wood or metal set up vertically, or nearly so; a mast. 721
MATERIAL The matter of which an <OBJECT> is or may be made; material [SOED, "material", b.1]. 722
MATERIAL_PROPERTY_SET A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the <MATERIAL>s composing an <OBJECT>. 723
MEDICAL_FACILITY A <FACILITY> devoted to medical research and/or the practice of medicine. 724
MEMORIAL_MONUMENT A <MARKER> erected and/or maintained as a memorial to a person and/or event; a memorial monument. 725
MERCHANT_MARINE_VESSEL A <WATER_SURFACE_VESSEL> designed or designated for use in commerce; a merchant marine vessel. 726
MERCURY The primary <PLANET> of the <SUN> that is closest to the <SUN>, with an orbital mean <<RADIUS>> of approximately 57,91 million kilometres; Mercury. 727
MESA A flat-topped <HILL> or tableland that is larger than a <BUTTE> and rises steeply from a surrounding <TERRAIN_PLAIN>; a mesa. 728
MESH An abstract <OBJECT> consisting of three related <NON_EMPTY_SET>s: a <MESH_NODE_SET>, a <MESH_EDGE_SET>, and a <MESH_FACE_SET>; a mesh. 729
MESH_EDGE_PROPERTY_SET A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the edges comprising a <MESH>. 730
MESH_EDGE_SET The <NON_EMPTY_SET> of edges comprising a <MESH>. Each edge in the <NON_EMPTY_SET> connects two nodes in the related <MESH_NODE_SET>. 731
MESH_FACE_PROPERTY_SET A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the faces comprising a <MESH>. 732
MESH_FACE_SET The <NON_EMPTY_SET> of polygonal faces comprising a <MESH>. The edges bounding each face in the <NON_EMPTY_SET> are members of the related <MESH_EDGE_SET>. 733
MESH_NODE_PROPERTY_SET A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the nodes comprising a <MESH>. 734
MESH_NODE_SET The <NON_EMPTY_SET> of nodes comprising a <MESH>. 735
MESH_SOLID_PROPERTY_SET A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the solids comprising a <SOLID_MESH>. 736
MESH_SOLID_SET The <NON_EMPTY_SET> of polyhedral solids comprising a <SOLID_MESH>. The faces bounding each solid in the <NON_EMPTY_SET> are members of the related <MESH_FACE_SET>. 737
MEZZANINE A low <FLOOR_LEVEL> between two others, especially a low <FLOOR_LEVEL> between the ground <FLOOR_LEVEL> and the <FLOOR_LEVEL> above or, occasionally, between the ground <FLOOR_LEVEL> and the <BASEMENT>; a mezzanine [SOED, "mezzanine", A.1]. 738
MIDDLE_CLOUD A <CLOUD> of the genus altocumulus, altostratus, or nimbostratus; a middle cloud. Also portions of a <CLOUD> of the genus cumulus or cumulonimbus. 739
MILITARY_INSTALLATION A <TRACT> that is protected by <FORTIFICATION>s or natural advantages and from which military operations are performed, forward movements are made, or supplies are furnished; a military installation. 741
MILITARY_OPERATIONS_BUILDING A <BUILDING> devoted to the act or process of managing military forces or overseeing the conduct of military operations; a military operations building. 742
MILITARY_PERSONNEL <PERSONNEL> who are members of an armed force; military personnel. 743
MILITARY_TRENCH A <TRENCH> dug for military purposes. 744
MINARET A tall, slender <TOWER> or turret connected with a <MOSQUE> and surrounded by one or more projecting <BALCONY>s from which a muezzin calls at hours of prayer; a minaret [SOED, "minaret"]. 745
MINE_COUNTERMEASURE_VESSEL Designed to employ <EXPLOSIVE_NAVAL_MINE>s in warfare or countermeasures against <EXPLOSIVE_NAVAL_MINE>s while operating in coastal <WATERBODY_SURFACE_REGION>s; mine countermeasure. Such a <COMBATANT_VESSEL> is also designed to be carried aboard larger <VESSEL>s. 746
MINEFIELD A <REGION> throughout which <EXPLOSIVE_MINE>s have been laid; a minefield. 747
MINERAL_PILE A man-made heap of mining or quarrying products that does not contain waste <MATERIAL>s; a mineral pile. 748
MISSILE A destructive projectile that during part or all of its course is self-propelling and directed by remote control or automatically; a missile [SOED, "guided missile"]. 749
MISSILE_SITE A <SITE> and related <FACILITY>s for storing and launching <MISSILE>s; a missile site. 750
MISSION A religious centre established in a <REGION> for missionary, evangelical, or humanitarian work; a mission [SOED, "mission", 4.b]. 751
MIXED_URBAN_REGION A <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> containing <STRUCTURE>s in combination with undeveloped and/or agricultural <TRACT>s; a mixed urban region. 752
MIXED_VEGETATION_LAND A <TRACT> covered by a mixture of woody and non-woody <PLANT>s; a mixed vegetation land. 753
MOAT A <TRENCH>, which is usually filled with <WATER>, that surrounds a <TRACT> and serves as a <BARRIER>; a moat. 754
MOBILE_BRIDGE_SYSTEM A <SYSTEM> that is transported on a <VEHICLE> and used to erect semi-permanent <BRIDGE>s; a mobile bridge system. 755
MOBILE_HOME A trailer that is used as a <DWELLING>, has no permanent foundation, and is designed to be easily moved; a mobile home [MWCD, "mobile home"]. 756
MOBILE_HOME_PARK A <SITE> for the long-term parking of <MOBILE_HOME>s; a mobile home park. 757
MOLLUSC An <INVERTEBRATE> of the phylum Mollusca, the members of which have a soft body and usually a hard shell; a mollusc [SOED,"mollusc"].
EXAMPLES     Limpet, snail, cuttlefish, oyster, mussel.
MONASTERY A <RELIGIOUS_COMMUNITY> of men; a monastery [SOED, "monastery"]. 759
MONERAN A <LIVING_ORGANISM> of the kingdom Monera, which comprises all prokaryotic single-celled organisms; a moneran [SOED, "monera"].
EXAMPLES     Bacterium, cyanophyte.
MOON The only <SATELLITE> of <EARTH>, with an orbital semi-major <<RADIUS>> of approximately 384 400 kilometres; the Moon. 761
MOORING_DOLPHIN One or more <STRUCTURAL_PILE>s used in a <MOORING_FACILITY> or as a <MARINE_AID_TO_NAVIGATION>; a mooring dolphin. 762
MOORING_FACILITY A <FACILITY> used for mooring and/or warping a <VESSEL>. 763
MOORING_LINE A <LOAD_CABLE> used for mooring; a mooring line. 764
MOORING_MAST A <MAST> used to secure an <AIRSHIP>; a mooring mast. 765
MOORING_RING A metal ring attached to a <STRUCTURE> and used to secure a <VESSEL>; a mooring ring. 766
MOORING_TROT An <ANCHOR> and a related <NAVIGATION_MARK_AFLOAT>; a mooring trot. 767
MORAINE An accumulation of debris consisting of <SOIL> and <ROCK> that has been deposited by a <GLACIER>; a moraine. 768
MORMON_TEMPLE A <WORSHIP_PLACE> where sacred Mormon ordinances are administered; a Mormon temple [SOED, "temple", A.I.4]. 769
MORTAR A muzzle loading cannon for firing shells at low velocities, short ranges, and high trajectories; a mortar [AHD, "mortar", 3.a]. 770
MOSQUE An Islamic <WORSHIP_PLACE>; a mosque or masjid. 771
MOSS A <PLANT> of the class Musci, comprising small bryophtes with scale-like leaves usually spirally arranged, with a spore-capsule usually opening by a lid, which grow in crowded masses in <BOG>s or on <SURFACE>s; or any of certain <ALGA>s, <LICHEN>s, <PTERIDOPHYTE>s, or flowering <PLANT>s resembling moss in habit; moss [SOED, "moss", II 3] or a moss-like plant. 772
MOTEL A <BUILDING> used to provide lodging for motorists in <ROOM>s usually having direct access to an open <VEHICLE_LOT>; a motel [AHD, "motel"], motor court, or motor lodge. 773
MOTOR_VEHICLE A <GROUND_VEHICLE> powered by a motor and operating principally on <LAND>; a motor vehicle. 774
MOTOR_VEHICLE_STATION A <STRUCTURE> at, or in which, <MOTOR_VEHICLE>s are refuelled, serviced, and sometimes repaired; a filling station. 775
MOUNTAIN A natural elevation of <TERRAIN> of an altitude that is impressive or notable relative to adjacent elevations; a mountain. 776
MOUNTAIN_PASS A <LAND_TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE> through a localized <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> in a range of <MOUNTAIN>s, where the <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> is lower in <<TERRAIN_ELEVATION>> than the adjacent <MOUNTAIN>s; a mountain pass. 777
MOUNTAINOUS_REGION A <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION>, the physiography of which consists predominantly of <MOUNTAIN>s; a mountainous region. 778
MUD_LINE A <BOUNDARY> of a <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> of mud that adjoins a <WATERBODY> and is covered and uncovered depending on the <<ELEVATION>> of the <TERRAIN> and the current <<ELEVATION>> of the <WATERBODY_SURFACE>; a mud line. 779
MULTI_UNIT_DWELLING A <BUILDING> used as a <DWELLING> by multiple groups of occupants; a multi-unit dwelling. 780
MULTIDOMAIN_VEHICLE A <VEHICLE> capable of operation in more than one environmental domain; a multidomain vehicle. 781
MUNICIPAL_HALL A <BUILDING> that contains the offices of the public officials of a local political unit; a municipal hall. 782
MUNICIPAL_UTILITY_FACILITY A <FACILITY> devoted to the provision of utility services (for example: electricity, telecommunications, gas, <WATER>, sewage, trash collection, and/or trash disposal) to the residents of a locally governed <REGION> or municipality. 783
MUNITION A <DEVICE> charged with: explosives; propellant; pyrotechnics; initiating composition; or nuclear, chemical, or biological <MATERIAL> for use in military operations (for example: demolitions); a munition. 784
MUSEUM_BUILDING A <BUILDING> devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of <OBJECT>s having scientific, historical, or artistic value; a museum [AHD, "museum"]. 785
MUSEUM_FACILITY A <FACILITY> including one or more <MUSEUM_BUILDING>s. 786
MUSHROOM A <FUNGUS> of phylum Basidiomycota, the members of which have a fleshy, fruiting body, usually rounded or caplike, on a stalk growing from the ground; a mushroom [SOED, "mushroom"]. 787